Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Since my last post, I have ran a half marathon and joined cross fit, two things I NEVER thought would be possible for myself.
I am all about trying new types of working out and fitness programs. 
It's amazing what you can achieve when you set goals for yourself. You can achieve things that were beyond your belief of being able to do. I am a walking example of this. 

When I was browsing on the internet in between class today I found this wonderful link to some pretty interesting food tips!!

I saw it and immediately wanted to share so that everyone could read how your diet can really affect or change your mood any time, any day.

Whether you are happy, sad, grumpy, tired, stressed, or even just to make you feel better, the food you eat can make a huge difference, crazy right?!

When you are:

STRESSED: eat chocolate     
 Why is this?? -research has been done that says that chocolate can in fact reduce stress, particularly dark chocolate. Of course, who isn't in a better mood after they eat chocolate? 

SLUGGISH: eat spinach    
Why is this?? -Folic acid found in green leafy vegetables is said to lower homocysteine in simpler language: blood flow is slower therefore slowing down the activity in the brain. When you eat foods rich in folic acid, it improves brain activity therefore making you more alert and better at processing information! 

CRANKY: eat apple with peanut butter
Why is this??-You ever wonder why when people are hungry, they tend to be very CRANKY?? It may be because they need something to fuel themselves, so in this case it is very essential to eat something complex. Rather than eating just an apple, make sure you pair it with a protein of some sort, Your body will be happier and fuller for a longer amount of time, trust me :) 

ANXIOUS: eat salmon burger
Why is this?? -OMEGA 3's! will tame your anxiety and cause you to worry less. It recommends fish as the best source to do so. 

ANGRY: drink green tea
Why is this?? theanine, found in green tea will help to calm your senses. And the caffiene will help with focus. 

SAD: eat whole grain cereal with non-fat milk
Why is this??  VITAMIN D. helps to boost your serotonin levels, aka "feel-good hormones". Getting an adequate amount of vitamin D in your diet can reduce depression and uplift you. Another great mood booster and source of vitamin D is getting a little sunshine :) 

PMS: eat egg salad sandwich
Why is this?? It recommended to stay away from the carbohydrates and sugars that our body normally craves those days before, and instead pair the carbohydrates with some source of tryptophan, a chemical found in eggs, turkey or anything in the picture to the right. This doesn't leave us sluggish like those cookies and chips do.
These are just some examples of the types of food that can be mood changers, feel free to be creative! 

Just remember: Everything in Moderation! :) 


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