Thursday, January 24, 2013

Stay active all day long without even trying!

It is incredible the little changes that you can make in everyday activities that can help you to stay active throughout the day.

If you want to be more active during the day STOP taking the easy way out, and try these easy solutions :)

1. Park at the farthest spot in the parking lot. 

 This way you will end up taking more steps than you would just parking at the very front. And, it only takes maybe 5 minutes more than it would normally so no complaining about how it takes longer, that is just lazy!

2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

You would be suprised how much more difficult it is to climb the stairs versus just riding the elevator. And, the more you take that route, the easier it becomes! 

Soo if you see this: choose the stairs!! 
3. Ride your bike to places that are relatively close. 

I used to ride my bike to school and I not only got an instant workout and start to my morning, (*which increases my productivity, energy, and metabolism right off the bat) 

But, I also saved lots of money on GAS!!   


4. Take a 15 minute walk after your lunch break.

You would be amazed how much a walk outdoors can be an instant refresher and can rejuvenate you to get so much more done throughout the day. 

Check out this article on the benefits of walking:

5. Do exercises in between tv shows.

Have you ever thought all you can do during the time span that you watch tv shows or commercials?? 

I found this hilarious How I Met Your Mother workout plan on pinterest the other day: 


6. Movement while getting ready in the morning.

Examples of movements that you can do in the morning are heel raises while brushing your teeth, squats while doing your hair, be creative! 

Even dancing to music that you listen to can be a way to get moving in the morning! 

7. Instead of going out with your friends to the movies, do something active such as bowling, line dancing, swimming, ice skating, roller skating, etc. 

Did you know that you can burn up to 600 or 700 calories by just having a good time!! 

AND! You can find AWESOME discounts on websites like,, or

YOU are already on your way to a HAPPIER, HEALTHIER YOU! 


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